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What Is Skin pH And Why Is It Important?

What Is Skin pH And Why Is It Important?

What Is Skin pH And Why Is It Important?

What Is Skin pH And Why Is It Important?

By: Ashley Austin You try to do everything right when it comes to skincare. You cleanse, moisturize, and apply serums nightly, but what if that isn’t enough to have healthy skin? What matters ...

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10 Habits That Are Making Your Sensitive Skin Worse

10 Habits That Are Making Your Sensitive Skin Worse

By: Ashley Austin For those with sensitive skin, you know the struggle of finally using a new product only for you to wake up with hives the next day. No matter how hard you try, it may seem li...

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3 Steps For An All-Natural Skincare Routine

3 Steps For An All-Natural Skincare Routine

By: Trinity Slade Self-care is the best care! Typically, when we think of self-care, face masks and skincare are the first things to come to mind. Many popular and trendy facial pamper products...

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