Palo Santo Smudge Sticks
Palo Santo, literally meaning “holy wood” in Spanish, is a tree that is widely distributed throughout Central and South America. Palo Santo is used in South America in much the same way as White Ceremonial Sage is used in North America- to combat negative energy and to cleanse the space. Palo Santo is different from other smudging materials as it is fragrant in its raw form and does not need to be lit, unless being used for ceremonial purposes.
Palo Santo is often used by Amazonian shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies; the rising smoke of a lit stick is believed to enter the energy field of ritual participants to clear misfortune, negative thoughts, and to chase away evil spirits. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca era.
Palo Santo Wood: A sustainably-sourced wood from Ecuador and Peru in association with native communities who oversee ethical trade within their bountiful natural forests.
Why We Love It Sage can have an overpowering scent to them when burnt - like charred grass - which may not be suitable for some sensitive noses. The Palo Santo, on the other hand, gives a pine, lemony, light woodsy fragrance and does so without the need to burn, making it safer for those who live with pets or children.
How To Use It Once you're ready to light your sage, grab the sage as far from the end you are burning as possible. Hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light the sage, let it burn for about 20 seconds and then gently blow out the flame so that you see orange embers on one end. Place the stick in a heatproof dish to let it burn.
What To Know Traditionally, only the fallen branches and twigs of the tree are harvested, and this practice is regulated by the government of Peru to ensure that the trees do not become overharvested. Unfortunately, as Palo Santo has become more popular, the illegal harvesting and cutting of trees have also greatly increased. Consequently, if you are purchasing wild-harvested Palo Santo, it is important to do so from an ethical wildcrafter.
What Makes It Green Our Palo Santo smudge sticks are never harvested from living trees, making them ethically and sustainably sourced. We collect only naturally-fallen trunks and branches from the dry forests of Ecuador and Perú, where this beloved wood is abundant in nature. We are also proudly partnered with a network of native community associations who act as the gatekeepers and stewards of the forest while overseeing the sustainable management and ethical trade of their natural forest resources.
Perfect For Clearing your mind, body, soul, and your home of negative energy, elevating your mood, and instilling relaxation within your personal space.
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