Event Sponsorship Gift Card
We get it, we have planned events before and we know that you want to delight your guests with a swag bag. But let's be honest, your work so hard to get products donated and your attendees may or may not not like them.
And what's even worse, is the waste. What if a attendee has an allergy to your gifted item, then it will just be thrown in the way. Wasting the money of the brand that donated it and adding to waste for no reason. That is not sustainable at all.
We designed the BLK + GRN gift card (on recycled paper) to be a sustainable solution. The gift card gives your attendees choice to pick whatever item they want from our website, instead of us picking for them. Each card is worth a minimum of $5 and some will be worth up to $50. This is a perfect way to delight your guest without being wasteful.
If you purchase any of our other Wellness Marketing services (including our events calendar, an IG story post, or a blog post) you will get these cards at 1/2 off!
NOTE: Once you’ve made your selection, please contact our team at support@BLKGRN.com with your order number and she will coordinate your marketing package.
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